The Story
Brooksong is my middle name. My father thought of it before I was born as he imagined birds singing in trees next to a babbling brook in the mountains. The water droplet in the logo hints at that scene and also represents Portland, Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, where I’m creating these little pieces of sunshine.
I am a self-taught creative with a theatrical production background as a stage manager. Turning my preference for tactile creative expression into a business has been an idea of mine for 10 years.
As inspiration can strike at any time, I saw a sad bag being used and knew I could help. My sister in law, Megan, was carrying a tote with the strap barely hanging on by a few threads, her birthday was coming up and an idea struck. I’m gonna make that awesome lady a bag! And the Megan bag was born.
Crafting and working with my hands has always been very grounding and a positive outlet in combating my depression and anxiety.
10% of Profits to destigmatizing mental illness
I want this business to support me and help others. Since mental illness is something I deal with myself, I want to work on reducing the stigma for everyone. So 10% of profits from each sale go to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. If you or someone you know is suffering, reach out and ask for help. We can’t do it alone.